Motorcycle enthusiasts across the state enjoy the flat, open highways Texas provides. While riding a motorcycle can be a thrilling experience, it can also be very dangerous even for experienced riders. The Texas Department of Transportation reports that an average of one motorcycle rider dies each day on Texas roads. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) also reported that motorcycle riders are 27 times more likely to be killed in motorcycle crashes compared to passenger vehicle drivers and passengers. Because motorcyclists do not have the same protection as passenger vehicle drivers, wrecks involving them are much more likely to result in serious injury or death.
What causes motorcycle accidents to occur? Below are the five of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.
Texas roads are full of speeding drivers and motorcyclists. Speeding can lead to deadly crashes. When a driver fails to control their speed, they are less likely to be able to stop quickly or react to changes happening in front of their vehicle. Motorcyclists also have a much higher risk of being severely injured or killed in a high-speed accident since they do not have the protection a passenger car provides.
Distracted or Drunk Driving
Anything that can impair a driver or motorcyclist, or take their eyes off the road, can quickly lead to a devastating car accident. Distracted driving can include texting on a cell phone, eating or drinking, adjusting a radio or GPS system, or talking on the phone. Distractions are incredibly dangerous and reduce the amount of time a driver has to react to changes in their surroundings. Just reading a message or sending a text can take a person’s eyes off the road for five or more seconds at a time. If that person is driving 60 miles per hour on the highway, they will have their eyes off the road for almost 100 yards – the length of a football field.
Drunk driving is illegal in Texas and can lead to severe penalties on top of potentially causing fatal accidents. Alcohol quickly impairs a person’s judgment, making them more likely to take risky moves while driving.
Roadway Hazards
Many Texas roads are known for their potholes, construction equipment, and uneven pavement. Debris and construction equipment are also consistently on the road. While these hazards may not affect a car or truck too severely, they can quickly cause a motorcyclist to swerve, lose their balance, or strike an object unexpectedly. They can quickly suffer serious injuries or even death when hitting an object in the road. Motorcycle riders hitting fixed objects like light poles, guardrails, or traffic signs, accounts for 25 percent of motorcycle crashes and fatalities. The smaller size and less-stable characteristics of a motorcycle make roadway hazards much more dangerous for bikers.
Cars Not Seeing the Motorcycle
Being significantly smaller than passenger vehicles makes motorcycles more easily hidden in blind spots, by surrounding objects, or by other vehicles. A motorcycle weaving in and out of traffic makes it very difficult to predict where they are and if they plan on entering your lane.
Cars also have a tendency to not see motorcycles when making a left-hand turn. Typically the car will hit the motorcycle during the turn if the motorcycle is going straight through the intersection, passing the car, or trying to overtake the car. Accidents of this type are common and account for 45 percent of all roadway accidents involving a motorcycle and a passenger car. In the majority of cases, the car that hit the motorcycle while making a left-hand turn will be found at fault for the accident.
Mechanical Failure
Motorcycles are complicated vehicles with many moving parts that must be kept in good repair in order for the bike to run safely. Any defect in a motorcycle’s design or manufacturing can cause a serious malfunction that can lead to a deadly accident. If your motorcycle malfunctions in any way that causes an accident, you may qualify for a product liability case. Making sure your motorcycle is well maintained before you ride is essential to preventing an accident, but there can be defects you cannot see or fix. The motorcycle manufacturer and other companies that are part of the supply chain must be held accountable for their failures that cause you harm.
South Texas Motorcycle Accident Attorneys
Riding a motorcycle in Texas should be a fun, safe experience. Motorcyclists should not have to fear reckless drivers on the roads. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a motorcycle accident, our personal injury attorneys can help. At the Ezequiel Reyna Law Office, we understand the dangers that motorcyclists face on the road. While most drivers and insurance companies might want to pin the accident on you, we work hard to get you the financial compensation you deserve. Contact us today, as there is limited time to act after an accident.